Mission To employ the US Navy’s premier airborne ASW platform to bring credible combat power, in support of our Nation’s objectives, worldwide, and on a moment’s notice.
VP-4 Vision Develop a learning organization that is self-aware, self-critical, and self-correcting, built upon a foundation of trust, accountability, dependability, and respect, relentlessly striving each day to be the preeminent and most lethal squadron in the U.S. Navy. VP-4 Core Values Family: There is no stronger team than Family. Each day, working as one Skinny Dragon family, we will grow, learn, train, and prepare. Every Skinny Dragon has a voice and we will respect each other’s opinions. We will develop a culture that is open to new ideas and different ways of thinking. We will treat each and every member of our family with dignity and respect at all times Leadership: Every Skinny Dragon is a leader. Leadership requires sacrifice and dedication. We will hone our skills as leaders just as we do with our skills on station and on deck. We will lead our Sailors every day, never failing to recognize the gift we have been given to lead the greatest that our Nation has to offer - those that have risen their right hand in defense of our great Nation. Integrity: Integrity requires the courage to do what’s right at all times and the insistence that those around you do the same. Integrity is shown and proven by our daily actions and is the greatest quality within one’s character.