VP-9 Family Readiness At Patrol Squadron NINE, we recognize that spouses, children, dependents, and even extended family members are important members of our Golden Eagle family. As a command, we have established a number of resources to ensure that dependents are prepared for the rigors of deployment and Pacific Northwest living. From our trained Command Ombudsmen to spouses clubs and family activity days, we strive to ensure that that all Golden Eagles receive the tools and support they need to succeed! https://www.facebook.com/groups/goldeneaglesfrg VP-9 Officer Spouse Club The VP-9's OSC is a command-endorsed group open to spouses of all Commissioned and Warrant Officers in VP-9. It is a great way to meet other spouses, learn about your new duty station, and engage in charitable works in the community. Meetings are held once a month, and numerous charity fundraisers and socials are held throughout the year. Past acitvities have included: charity auctions, charity breakfast sales, socials, deployment care packages, and more! VP-9 Ombudsman The Ombudsman are dedicated volunteers whom received extensive training in virtually every aspect of Navy family support and have been officially-designated by the squadron Commanding Officer. They function as communications links, information resources, referral services, and command family member advocates. They are also responsible for publishing the monthly command Ombudsman Newsletter that is mailed to all squadron families. If you have a question, they can find the answer! https://www.facebook.com/Vp9GoldenEagleOmbudsmen We look forward to you joining the Golden Eagle Team!