Mission Enable fleet operations and readiness through unparalleled freedom of maneuver across the entire spectrum of peace to war by validating, prioritizing, and scheduling flexible and responsive Navy-Unique Fleet Essential Airlift (NUFEA); provide required NUFEA data analysis annually to CNO.
About Us NALO enhances combat capability of Navy fleet commanders through judicious and flexible scheduling of Navy Unique Fleet Essential Airlift (NUFEA) aircraft to support COCOM, FRP, and DOD logistics requirements worldwide. The command formulates worldwide airlift policy change recommendations and operates a data collection and analysis system for airlift asset management and aircraft acquisition justification for Chief of Naval Operations. In addition we train and certify remote JALIS operators to ensure the smooth and timely flow of data between NAVAIRLOGOFF and remote requesters/squadrons. If needed NALO will provide Anti-Terrorism / Force Protection (AT/FP) policy, guidance, procedures, and briefs for NAVAIRLOGOFF NEW ORLEANS LA missions transiting through airfields that require heightened security measures. NALO Airlift Requests shall be submitted via JALIS (requires login) or by emailing a filled out DD Form 2768 to NWOR_NALO_OPS@navy.mil. If you require any assistance filling out the Airlift Request or have any questions, please feel free to contact the Operations Department at (504) 678-1185 or DSN: 678-1185. DD Form 2768 Cheat Sheet